Skyrim 霧
Started by Lumi , Apr 04 13 05:07 PM.
Skyrim 霧. Skyrim was originally inhabited by a race of Mer known as the Snow Elves, though after the. (1)Distance fog is now 50% thinner - this makes for a better view and more subtle blending with the skyline. Mist From:讓玩家變成霧狀,在持續時間內可以加速體力、耐力與法力的再生,持續時間23秒、冷卻時間33秒。夜之力量 夜之力量 Supernatural Reflexes :相當於龍吼的子彈時間,讓玩家周遭的反應都變慢,但玩家的反應卻會變快,持續時間為23秒、冷卻時間45秒。.
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